jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

A Special Place in Santiago

I think that Los Leones (both the metro station and the actual Street) could be like a special place for me. This is because although I like how the place looks, I have made good and important memories there. Usually I go with a very close friend of mine and then we go to the Costanera Center mall but the better times where in Los Leones when we had have important conversations about our lifes or our friendship solving problems between us while strolling.
Also in Los Leones there is the "Portal Lyon", a "caracol" shopping centre full of shops that sell things I really like, like Music bands T-shirts or video games or 'Manga', my new hobby.
The years before I came to live to Santiago, I found Los Leones to be very far from the place where I was staying (currently my home) and had no idea how to get there, but now I find it a place very close to my house and with only one bus that stops like one square from my house I can get there in fifteen minutes or so.
Also before I came to live here, I went to Los Leones with my famly to buy rock bands t-shirts because we couldn't find them in any other place neither in Santiago nor in Puerto Varas and my mother loves the 80's music so she wanted them badly.

miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014

Free Post: Why i'm here

Well I was born in Santiago but i lived my whole life in Puerto Varas (at least the life that i can remember) and this is the story of why i'm living here. Unfortunately over there in Puerto Varas there aren't universities, i mean there is one  (Universidad Gabriela Mistral) but it is new and really small; also there are some universities in Puerto Montt, the capital of the region that is like15 minutes from Puerto Varas in car but they aren't as good as the ones over here and they don't have as much variety of careers than here. This ends in almost every kid leaving school to flee to other cities far away to study what they want. It is very sad because we have to say goodbye to all our friend and families at an age that i find very early on and that makes things very hard... when i left school there were a lot of tearjerking moments when everyone was leaving. I didn't leave after finishing school because i didn't know what to study and i wanted some time to think so I stayed one more year there going to a preuniversity (i dont know if this is the name) with some friends that decided to stay one more year as well and it was really fun until we had to leave once and for all. There while i was studying history, when we were seeing geography as a unit i found it pretty interesting and decided to study it at university. I already have made my mind to study here in Santiago because i came like every year to see family that lives here so the change wasn't too much extreme i already got used to the 12 hrs trip between the two cities years ago.

jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014

I remember clearly the first meal me and my family had the first day i arrived to Puerto Varas this past Winter break (i'm from that city so i have to travel every once in a while between there and Santiago) because apart from being very delicious, it had a certain taste of nostalgia and reunion. The meal, which consisted in mashed potatoes and meat, was extremely good for me because in the house that i stay in here in Santiago, the family doesn't eat very balanced, to the point that i didn't eat mashed potatoes in about 6 months. Due to that, the first thing i requested when my parents at home asked me what i wanted to eat were mashed potatoes and from that point on i tried my best to eat the most variety of food that i could. 
In that meal in particular there was my whole family which consists in my parents, my sister and my grandma as well as my cats who were there playing. I remember that on that time we were all happy to be reunited and laughed a lot because one of my cats was still young and kept doing all kinds of crazy stuff like escalating our legs while we were eating, running up and down the ladder and chase my other cat that never even tried to like him. It was a very funny and good meal.