jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

My Group Activities

Generally I'm not that much into doing group activities in my life but there are a few that are remarkable at least for me.
The first one was scouts which I did for 4 or 5 years more or less. With my group, Group Germania, we went to a lot of camps, including two very big ones: The desert Jamboree which was in 2008 if i can remember well and was on the north of Chile, in La Pampa del Tamarugal and we did things like competitions between group and a "raid" from the camp to La Tirana which lasted like 6 hours long  under the sun and conditions of the excruciating desert. The second one was the Century Jamboree wichi was the celebration of the 100 years of scouts in Chile and was a huge deal because Chile was the second country to have scouts in it. It was similar to the desert one but this one was in Picarquín, a place that is relativly close to Santiago and surprisingly heater, even in comparison to the desert.
A second group activity is Basketball, which i'm doing right now on Mondays and Tuesdays with Christofer right here and Daniel (he doesn't shows up a lot though). It's a lot of fun because its a very dinamic activity  and it creates a feeling of competition and friendliness very unique. Also, I find out enjoying myself a lot when I'm playing even knowing that I am pretty bad in comparison to the others.

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