jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014

Why I'm Studying

So after school I actually took a 'year-break' to think what I wanted to do with my life because there wasn't any career that interested me at all. That year I did 'preu' at 'Pedro de Valdivia' in Puerto Montt and focused on Language, Mathematics and History. In History I was very comfortable, the friends that took with me the subject were very friendly and we grew more on each other and also the teacher was very good and funny. While we were on the geography part of the subject it made a 'click' on me and I started to get more and more interested on it until I decided that I wanted to study geography.
On this 2 years of studying, I think the thing I like the most are the 'terrains' because there we can actually see what we have been learning until now and prove that they are real in a sense. The main thing that I dont like it's a thing of the university in general instead of the career and that is the academic pressure that occurs when the semesters (and years) are finishing and all the works and tests get focused and I think that that's kind of inhuman, you get exposed to a really lot of stress and can really lose your head. As for what I want to do when I graduate, actually I don't have any idea so lets see what happens between now and then.

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Friends that I can't see that often.

Fortunately I dont have a friend that I've known my entire life and I can't see now. But I actually have two friends that at one point left Chile to live in other countries and study there. The first one is called Ian and we were classmates at school in the "basica". One year he suddenly went to Norway because his dad had to travel there to look a job he was being offered I think. He came back but after a year or two he left us definitely and despite knowing that we were going to keep talking via the internet every now and then (the hour difference is a huge deal), it was a sad goodbye. The second one was one of my best friends, that I've known since I have memories and we've been friends since then, called José Ignacio who is argentinean but lived with his family here in Chile, in Puerto Varas. He traveled all years to Argentina with his family to see their argentinean family for a month or so in summer and then come back. Later he decided that he wanted to study traduction in Argentina due to the availability of the career over there and the free studies so our other friends and I had to be prepared. But despite knowing that he was going to leave like two or three years before him doing so, nothing could prepare me enough for that. His flight was early in the morning so he came to my house (we were neighbours by the way) very early without telling his parents and so they came to my house guessing he was there. And we said goodbye, it wasn't so terrible for me at the moment because I was barely awake, like a zombie but as soon as I was completely awake late in the day, I felt everything. Of course we knew that we were going to see each other on large vacations but still it had a huge impact on us because it symbolized the end of our normal (like, scholarship "normal"lifes) lifes in Puerto Varas with all our friends, because for us, there comes a moment when we all have to flee.

Something I'm proud of

In school, at 'tercero medio', it existed a colaboration between the language department and the history department to make students do a mini-thesis. This whole project lasted all the year and was divided into three parts, being each one based on a different book: the first one that was a semester long it was for students that wanted to do their thesis about 'The Illiad' by Homero; the second semester was divided into the other two books, being 'The Name of the Rose" and 'Les Miserables'.
I wanted to get past that work as fast as possible so I did the 'The Illiad' thesis and my theme was the concept of Death in that book. Like I said it was a semester long of work and a lot of effort was put into it as well as help from the teachers and friends so it was kind of a test to me, the most 'produced' work I've done until that point in my whole life. Unlike the majority of my fellow companions, I really enjoyed the book, at least in my mind it was very interesting and epic with the fights and stuff. In the end, I though my work was pretty good and felt very very proud of it but I felt like it could have been still a lot better so all of the remaining year I had a feeling that I wanted to do another thesis but we didn't have much time so I had to enjoy my friends and companions thesis to the fullest.

martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014

A movie I'd like to watch again

Because of the last news about the Marvel-movies universe about "phase 3" and a lot of new movies of Captain America, Thor and company, I'd like to rewatch The Avengers. This movie it's like a "first" but it is also kind of a sequel because it follows some points of the plot of other marvel movies like Iron man, Captain America, Thor and Hulk. The story begins when a powerful object known as the Teseract being stolen by Loki, brother of Thor, from S.H.I.E.L.D., an organization that works mostly in the shadows for the sake of the world. Due to that, this organization unites some superheroes it has contacted like Iron man, Captain America and Hulk to help them take the Teseract back.
It has a pretty good cast of actors like Robert Dawney Jr as Ironman, Samuel L. Jackson as Director Fury (the director of SHIELD) and Tom Hiddleston as Loki.
The first time I saw this film was on a cinema in Puerto Montt with my family and we all loved it. Some days later I went to see it again with some friends and then I went to see it a third time with my mom and sister but this time in 3D. After that I watched it a several more times on DVD or on TV.
I'd like to watch it again because of all the new Marvel movies announcements, to refresh the memories.

A Concert or Exhibition

I have been to a few of concerts but the one I liked the most was definitely the Paul McCartney one. He's a former member of The Beatles, one of the two who are still alive and a living legend. It was on 2011 if I can remember well, at mid-year or so. I went to the concert with a cousin that I live with and is one year younger than me. It was in the National Stadium and my first concert there. At first I wasn't so fond of going to the concert because I felt that I wasn't (at the time) that huge of a fan to go and see him perform but my cousin convinced me to and until today I don't have any regrets.
The concert was a blast, it included the better-known Beatles's tracks that McCartney composed, everyone was singing, the public was composed by people of all ages and the air was filled with happiness... and other things. It was very produced too, the quality of the sound was perfect, the instruments were perfectly equalized too and even at some point (when he was playing Live and let Die) they shooted fireworks!

A Special Talent

The only thing I can think about as a "talent" is to play some different music instruments. The first one I played was the mettalophone in my early school days but it got kind of boring at some extent so luckily then we were taught flute and that I liked a lot more. Later when I was aproaching my last years on school I learned to play the guitar and I loved it. I started playing a lot at home and wherever I found a guitar so I practised a lot and became somewhat good.
I think that knowing to play guitar can be useful to generate good ambients when you're at a meeting with friends or family or even at school breaks, in which I and some friends started playing on electric guitars and basses so everyone could hear and be happy.
For some time people told me that I was pretty good at playing guitar but eventually I lost some interest and started to play less until I got bad and definitely stopped playing. I still like playing a bit whenever I found a guitar at friend's houses and stuff but it is nothing compared to when I liked to play and improve every day.