jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Something I'm proud of

In school, at 'tercero medio', it existed a colaboration between the language department and the history department to make students do a mini-thesis. This whole project lasted all the year and was divided into three parts, being each one based on a different book: the first one that was a semester long it was for students that wanted to do their thesis about 'The Illiad' by Homero; the second semester was divided into the other two books, being 'The Name of the Rose" and 'Les Miserables'.
I wanted to get past that work as fast as possible so I did the 'The Illiad' thesis and my theme was the concept of Death in that book. Like I said it was a semester long of work and a lot of effort was put into it as well as help from the teachers and friends so it was kind of a test to me, the most 'produced' work I've done until that point in my whole life. Unlike the majority of my fellow companions, I really enjoyed the book, at least in my mind it was very interesting and epic with the fights and stuff. In the end, I though my work was pretty good and felt very very proud of it but I felt like it could have been still a lot better so all of the remaining year I had a feeling that I wanted to do another thesis but we didn't have much time so I had to enjoy my friends and companions thesis to the fullest.

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